Lyed f Lyed – Workshops

lyedflyedOn Sunday, December 11th at 6:30 p.m. The Lyed f Lyed club members who attended the ACA conference about community service in November gave workshops and presentations for the benefit of other ALC and TALIM STEEM scholars, sharing and dessiminating what they had learned. Members of PTPI and ROTARACT also attended the meeting which lasted more than 3hours. It was fruitful and we all left fully inspired

Lyed f Lyed – Workshops

lyedflyedOn Sunday, December 11th at 6:30 p.m. The Lyed f Lyed club members who attended the ACA conference about community service in November gave workshops and presentations for the benefit of other ALC and TALIM STEEM scholars, sharing and dessiminating what they had learned. Members of PTPI and ROTARACT also attended the meeting which lasted more than 3hours. It was fruitful and we all left fully inspired

Lyed f Lyed – Workshops

lyedflyedOn Sunday, December 11th at 6:30 p.m. The Lyed f Lyed club members who attended the ACA conference about community service in November gave workshops and presentations for the benefit of other ALC and TALIM STEEM scholars, sharing and dessiminating what they had learned. Members of PTPI and ROTARACT also attended the meeting which lasted more than 3hours. It was fruitful and we all left fully inspired